About TR-ANB


Founded in 1948 within the IIW (International Institute of Welding) and EWF (European Welding Federation) founded in 1992, the IAB (International Authorization Board) is an independent Qualification and Certification body with a separate board of directors that oversees the activities and activities of organizations working on welding.

TR-ANB (Turkish Authorized National/Nominated Body) is an international organization established within the framework of IAB rules within the Gedik Education Foundation and the Turkish Academy of Welding Technology, with the authority to audit and certify organizations providing training in the field of welding.

TR-ANB, which was established with the joint activities of Gedik Education Foundation and Turkish Academy of Welding Technology, the only responsible organization in Turkey approved by IIW and EWF, but operating independently from these organizations, supervises the ATBs (Approved Training Body) and the welding trainings given by ATBs; conducts the relevant exams under its own supervision. As a result of the exams, it gives diplomas and certificates to successful students.

Confidentiality, Independence, Impartiality Commitment

  1. TR-ANB has an independent structure established to oversee its activities and operations on behalf of IIW and EWF. Furthermore, TR-ANB conducts its activities under the Turkish Welding Technology Academy (TKTA) and Gedik Education Foundation (GEV), but separate and independent from them.
  2. TR-ANB does not delegate the processes of approving ATBs, organizing courses, conducting exams, qualifying personnel, and recording related information to subcontractors, in accordance with EWF-IAB/IIW Guidelines (latest revisions).
  3. To ensure impartiality, TR-ANB documents its structure, policies and procedures and ensures that all characterization activities, including the approval of ATBs, are conducted in an impartial manner.
  4. Senior management, other staff and all members declare their commitment to impartiality in qualification and certification activities through formal documentation.
  5. TR-ANB provides this public statement emphasizing the importance of impartiality, the management of conflicts of interest and its commitment to ensuring objectivity in all qualification activities.
  6. Policies and procedures for qualification and/or certification of personnel and ATB approval processes are fair and apply equally to all applicants and candidates.
  7. TR-ANB analyzes, documents and eliminates or minimizes potential conflicts of interest that may arise from qualification and certification activities. This includes ATB approval processes.
  8. Approval of ATBs or qualification/certification of personnel may not be restricted by financial or other restrictive conditions, such as membership of an association, group or caste.
  9. TR-ANB does not use procedures that unfairly prevent or restrict access for ATB applicants or qualification/certification candidates.
  10. TR-ANB is responsible for ensuring impartiality in all qualification and certification activities and will not allow commercial, financial or other pressures to undermine this impartiality.
  11. TR-ANB continuously identifies threats to impartiality arising from its activities, relationships or personnel connections. However, such relationships do not always pose a threat to impartiality.
  12. Threats to impartiality can arise from ownership, management, personnel, shared resources, finance, contracts, marketing (including branding) and commissions from referring new applicants.
  13. Threats to impartiality can arise in actual or perceived situations.
  14. TR-ANB documents and demonstrates how it eliminates, minimizes or manages such threats. All potential sources of conflicts of interest, whether internal (such as staff appointments) or external (such as activities of other organizations) are addressed.
  15. Qualification activities are structured and managed to ensure balanced participation of relevant parties.
  16. This text clearly articulates TR-ANB's commitment to impartiality, its procedures and how it manages conflicts of interest.
  17. TR-ANB maintains strict confidentiality in all matters, including the management system for all staff (including appeals and grievance processes), examinations and qualification matters, as well as stakeholder matters and the development and maintenance of the question database.
  18. In cases where disclosure of confidential information is required by law, TR-ANB informs the relevant person or organization about what information will be provided, unless prohibited by law.

Management and Organization

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Turkish Welding Society
It was founded by Prof. Dr. Selahattin ANIK and studies were carried out in the field of welding.


METU, Uluslararası Kaynak Mühendisliği kurslarını SLV-Münih Almanya iş birliğiyle başlatılmıştır.


GEV-ATB, started operating as an ATB in cooperation with the French ANB.


GSI SLV-TR, was established in Turkey by the German Welding Society (DVS).


Independent ANB of Turkey
TR-ANB was established.


METU, started to organize International Welding Engineering courses through TR-ANB.


GSI SLV-TR, started to organize International/European Welding Inspection Personnel courses through TR-ANB.


GSI SLV-TR, has linked the 16th Semester International Welding Engineering class to TR-ANB.


GEV-ATB, launched the first International/European Welding Engineering course in Izmir branch.